Email your MSP asking them to support the campaign for fair pay in the heritage sector

The heritage sector is a huge contributor to the Scottish economy, made up of highly skilled workers who have trained for years to become specialists in their chosen field. 

Despite this, heritage workers’ pay is much lower than comparable skilled workers in other sectors and is declining fast. This is only being compounded by the ongoing cost-of-living crisis. 

Workers in the sector need a pay rise which reflects their, knowledge, commitment, and experience, and to address recruitment and skills retention at all levels. Without urgent action, inadequate pay and insecure employment in the sector risk the future of Scottish cultural heritage and historical research. 

To address pay, organisations, both public and charitable, need secure long-term funding. Museum freedoms granted to English institutions to allow greater flexibility of fundraising, and crucially the retention of reserves do not apply in Scotland where the Grant-in-Aid has been frozen.  

We strongly encourage you to write to your workplace’s MSPs, raising awareness of the pay crisis and asking them to support our ongoing campaign. This will provide an opportunity to gain a greater understanding of the issues facing the sector. 

Please personalise the letter to refer directly to your place of work and the role you undertake, so that the MSP knows where you work in their constituency. 

Please send a copy of any responses you receive to so we can see which politicians are engaging with the campaign – this will help us to plan our follow-up actions.