Email Your MS to show your support for the Heritage Sector in Wales / E-bostiwch eich AS i ddangos eich cefnogaeth i’r sector Treftadaeth yng Nghymru

The Covid crisis has hit the whole nation hard but the Cultural and Heritage sectors in Wales have been particularly hard hit. Both Amgueddfa Cymru National Museum of Wales (ACNMW) and the National Library of Wales Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru (LlGC) had already suffered significant cuts to their grant in aid over the last 10 years and this coupled with the sudden hit to commercial incomes due to the impacts of the pandemic has led to both institutions now urgently needing a new sustainable funding model.

Prospect is one of the recognised trade unions at ACNMW and LlGC and we need your support. Please enter your postcode below and use the ‘Email your MS’ tool to tell your MS that you support a sustainable funding model that reverses the decade of cuts to these institutions and puts them on a sustainable foundation for the future to protect these cultural institutions for all the people of Wales

Mae argyfwng Covid wedi taro’r genedl gyfan yn galed ond mae’r sectorau Diwylliannol a Threftadaeth yng Nghymru wedi cael eu taro’n arbennig o galed. Roedd Amgueddfa Cymru (AC) a Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru (LlGC) eisoes wedi dioddef toriadau sylweddol i’w cymorth grant dros y 10 mlynedd diwethaf ac roedd hyn ynghyd â'r ergyd sydyn i incymau masnachol oherwydd effeithiau’r pandemig wedi arwain at yr angen am fodel cyllido cynaliadwy newydd ar fyrder ar y ddau sefydliad.

Mae Prospect yn un o’r undebau llafur cydnabyddedig yn AC a LlGC ac mae angen eich cefnogaeth arnom. Rhowch eich côd post isod a defnyddiwch yr offeryn ‘E-bostio’ch AS’ i ddweud wrth eich Aelod o’r Senedd eich bod yn cefnogi model cyllido cynaliadwy sy’n gwrthdroi degawd o doriadau i’r sefydliadau hyn ac yn eu rhoi ar sylfaen gynaliadwy ar gyfer y dyfodol fydd yn amddiffyn y sefydliadau diwylliannol hyn i holl bobl Cymru.